Wait For It

As our departure date gets closer and closer, we still can’t believe that we get the chance to embark on a journey to see this magnificent play. During first block we stumbled upon the stunning soundtrack and have not stopped listening since (seriously, ask our parents and friends it is on constant repeat). It feels like a dream that won’t become reality until we are in the theatre waiting for the curtains to open.




This play has not only affected our music library but also how we view history. On this trip we will be visiting some of the historical sites relating to the play, and we could not be more excited. “Hamilton” has not only brought the founding fathers to life but also the places that were apart of them. Lin Manual Miranda is a lyrical genius who has been able to transform what some would call “boring” history into something that is relatable to people today. Therefore when we go to visit these sites we will be viewing them as more then just a place, but as a history of people that we feel that we have gotten to know and care for.

We can go on and on about how excited we are to see the show and how in love we are with “Hamilton”. You will have to check our blog to see how much this play, historical site-seeing, and New York rocks our world.

The adventure begins Sunday, January 10th. Don’t “throw away your shot” to hear about our experiences so follow/subscribe for updates!




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